Psalm 34:5a "They looked at Him and were radiant." How many radiant people do you know? Are you one of them? When people look at you do they see 'Jesus' Face? I began to meditate on that today. I had the privilege of meeting with a group of women for a retreat this last weekend. I saw the face of Jesus in many of those women. Being radiant is not an on again off again experience. It is not just a happy go lucky person or someone who every now and then shows joy. The radiance of God should be a daily thing that people see in us. Some days we are happy and some days sad but we should always be reflecting the radiance of God. How do we become radiant? The scripture says: 'They looked at Him' We must be IN His presence more than OUT of it. We must spend more time focusing on Him in our lives than on the outward distractions around us. We spent time with Jesus this last weekend and those women reflec...