
Showing posts from August, 2018


God's Word is filled with secret things He has given us to explore. His Word is not a mystery, only it is hidden from those who refuse to seek its meaning. Take time today to seek His Truths. Philippians 4:10-13 says "Think on these things ... what is true, worthy of reverence, honorable, seemly, just, pure lovely and loveable, kind and winsome, gracious, virtue and excellence, worthy of praise. We must fix our mind on these things - they all describe our Jesus. Phil. 4:9 instructs us to practice what we see and hear and to model our lives after that. Then the God of Peace will be with us. (We will have an untroubled, undisturbed well-being) Phil. 4:11 - Oh, to learn to be content in whatever state I am in! Wonderful in concept but much harder to live. To be satisfied and not disturbed or disquieted, no matter where I am. Have you learned the secret? To think on these things? Also, in every situation that comes, that our strength lies in Christ who gives us the power...


PAUSE AND ASK Are we too busy for God to lead us? Are our lives full of distractions and disturbances? All these things tend to keep us busy and they remove our focus from what is truly important.   During our busy days, we must PAUSE and stop what we are doing, if just for a moment, take a breath and PAUSE !  We must re-focus our attention on what is True and Honest, what is Pure and Lovely. We must focus on what is relevant and pleasant. Once we have changed our focus then we can ASK .   Ask what is His purpose for us. Ask what is His will for us. Ask what is His direction for us and for strength to carry it out in order to fulfill His intended end for our lives. PAUSE , today! ASK , today! Do it now! PAUSE where you are this minute. Breathe deep and re-focus. ASK for His plan - it is the best! Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future....