
Showing posts from May, 2017

Watch Out For Sharks!!

W atch out for sharks! As I was watching the news, they were reporting about the sharks in Florida swimming very close to the shallow water of the shores. It was amazing looking down on them, seeing them swimming and stalking. A nd G od said we need to watch out for sharks! This is how the enemy is moving today. He is swimming in the shallow waters, boldly getting closer and closer seeking whom he may devour. T hen as  I was observing the video looking down on these sharks, God reminded me that we should be seeing the enemy for who he is. We can see what others cannot, we see through the eyes of the Spirit. We can be aware of the enemy and his plan to attack if we see through and in the Spirit. But we must be above the enemy, in the Spirit realm. C hoosing to play  in the shallow water is dangerous. Do not in anyway give place to the enemy by playing in his shallow waters. Be observant, be diligent, be aware because the sharks are circling ready to devour. Don't test the...

Mom's Mini Mansion

Happy Mother's Day, Momma: I know you are rejoicing today! All your tears have been wiped away. You are free from pain and you are laughing and leaping for joy. Thank God you are delivered. You are totally at peace! Thank you Lord for your Presence and for your Word that sets us free! Father, You gave me Jer. 31:16,17. “Restrain your voice from weeping and your eyes from tears, for your work shall be rewarded, says the Lord, and your children return from the enemy’s land. And there is hope for your future, says the Lord; your children shall come back to their own country.” I call them back to you, all my wayward family, Lord-they are yours, they will not be lost! Your word is the truth and will be manifested now. Praise you God.  Mom, your faith is rewarded as your son has come home. Your 1st born son is now walking with God! Today, he is rejoicing and praising our Father God. After over 40 years your prayers are paying off.  In 2013, on my Mother's birt...

It Takes a Little Faith

I woke up with part of a song on my mind today. "It only takes a little faith to move a mountain". Can you move a mountain that is in your life? An addiction, a bad habit, a debt you cannot pay. Something in your life you cannot handle emotionally, physically or spiritually? It only takes a little faith! YOU CANNOT DO IT ALONE!! Your trust and reliance needs to turn to the ONE who is Faith! The GREAT I AM! The ONE who can move mountains and cast them into the deepest sea! Put your 'little bit of faith' in the ONE Who is able. Watch your mountain move!

God of the Now

God Whispers Today: I am the God of the NOW! See Me in this instance, in this moment. Why do you wonder, why do you say 'what is going on', what's next? all of these things reveal your lack of trust in Me. You are preoccupied with the ultimate end, the conclusion, the finish! You want to 'see' answers now. I am the God of the NOW, I AM, ALL in ALL! I have your need met NOW. Trust Me in each moment. Do not fear the future, do not fret the past. Seek ME; See ME in the moment. The plan is in the moment. The one you are in. I will never guide you at some time in the future, but always here and NOW. The freedom, joy, and fulfillment is immediate. I AM a God of the NOW! My Spirit dwells in you and I in you and you in ME. Look for ME in all you say and do. Be still and know, I am in your NOW.