
Blog Post


Mini-Miracles Minutes come in all sizes ...  Some days are just more special than others! I know why Jesus loved to spend time with the little children. They are so pure at heart, they simply accept what they see and enjoy life to the fullest. Their little spirit-persons are maturing and growing.  God has given me and my husband the privilege of being in our Great-grandson's life on a daily basis. The Father instructed me to be an example, to teach and train him up the way he should go. That consists of so many vital components. Sometimes it seems overwhelming. I have raised my children and helped to raise grandchildren, and now the opportunity is here to input truth into this precious child's life. I do not take that charge lightly. A few days back I had been in prayer most of the morning and continued on when our little one was preparing for his day. My praying and singing out loud did not seem to bother him or distract him. I was just taken away in my spirit ...


Some days I feel so unworthy!  I look at myself today and examine my attitude and wonder why He puts up with me! Such love and acceptance can only come from Love Himself. The essence of Love. For several days I inwardly complained about situations I found myself in. These are necessary activities that I was getting weary of. Therefore, I would hold myself back from doing good. Outwardly you would have never known it, but He knew. Have you ever found yourself in that state?  Yesterday I had the opportunity to have lunch with a dear friend. She kept saying over and over again how blessed we are, how favored we are, and how God is always providing for us. Every word out of her mouth convicted me. I agreed I am blessed and favored and spoiled by a God who loves me.  Fast forward to today: The sermon at church continued to convict me. It was about going the extra mile , without complaining, but giving more of myself than what was expected. OUCH! God was at it ...

Published Books

My first book Destiny's Journey is a story of hope. A biography that reads like a novel. It will take you along in my journey from despair to peace and comfort. It shows how one life can be affected and transformed when it is turned over to a loving Father. I would love to hear your comments and input. The second book Speak, Lord, for your servant is listenin g  is a devotional that will give you simple nuggets of truth to apply to your life and your day to day living. These developed in my quiet times with the Lord as He spoke a word or a phrase to my heart and then as I questioned Him He would expand on that word. He is a loving God. To order either book you may go to or Barnes and Noble. If you would like a personally signed copy please message me on Facebook or send me an email at All for His Glory, Darlene


   Psalm 34:5a "They looked at Him and were radiant."        How many radiant people do you know? Are you one of them? When people look at you do they see 'Jesus' Face?  I began to meditate on that today. I had the privilege of meeting with a group of women for a retreat this last weekend. I saw the face of Jesus in many of those women.  Being radiant is not an on again off again experience. It is not just a happy go lucky person or someone who every now and then shows joy. The radiance of God should be a daily thing that people see in us. Some days we are happy and some days sad but we should always be reflecting the radiance of God.  How do we become radiant?   The scripture says: 'They looked at Him' We must be IN His presence more than OUT of it. We must spend more time focusing on Him in our lives than on the outward distractions around us. We spent time with Jesus this last weekend and those women reflec...


God's Word is filled with secret things He has given us to explore. His Word is not a mystery, only it is hidden from those who refuse to seek its meaning. Take time today to seek His Truths. Philippians 4:10-13 says "Think on these things ... what is true, worthy of reverence, honorable, seemly, just, pure lovely and loveable, kind and winsome, gracious, virtue and excellence, worthy of praise. We must fix our mind on these things - they all describe our Jesus. Phil. 4:9 instructs us to practice what we see and hear and to model our lives after that. Then the God of Peace will be with us. (We will have an untroubled, undisturbed well-being) Phil. 4:11 - Oh, to learn to be content in whatever state I am in! Wonderful in concept but much harder to live. To be satisfied and not disturbed or disquieted, no matter where I am. Have you learned the secret? To think on these things? Also, in every situation that comes, that our strength lies in Christ who gives us the power...


PAUSE AND ASK Are we too busy for God to lead us? Are our lives full of distractions and disturbances? All these things tend to keep us busy and they remove our focus from what is truly important.   During our busy days, we must PAUSE and stop what we are doing, if just for a moment, take a breath and PAUSE !  We must re-focus our attention on what is True and Honest, what is Pure and Lovely. We must focus on what is relevant and pleasant. Once we have changed our focus then we can ASK .   Ask what is His purpose for us. Ask what is His will for us. Ask what is His direction for us and for strength to carry it out in order to fulfill His intended end for our lives. PAUSE , today! ASK , today! Do it now! PAUSE where you are this minute. Breathe deep and re-focus. ASK for His plan - it is the best! Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future....

Watch Out For Sharks!!

W atch out for sharks! As I was watching the news, they were reporting about the sharks in Florida swimming very close to the shallow water of the shores. It was amazing looking down on them, seeing them swimming and stalking. A nd G od said we need to watch out for sharks! This is how the enemy is moving today. He is swimming in the shallow waters, boldly getting closer and closer seeking whom he may devour. T hen as  I was observing the video looking down on these sharks, God reminded me that we should be seeing the enemy for who he is. We can see what others cannot, we see through the eyes of the Spirit. We can be aware of the enemy and his plan to attack if we see through and in the Spirit. But we must be above the enemy, in the Spirit realm. C hoosing to play  in the shallow water is dangerous. Do not in anyway give place to the enemy by playing in his shallow waters. Be observant, be diligent, be aware because the sharks are circling ready to devour. Don't test the...