Mini-Miracles Minutes come in all sizes ... 

Some days are just more special than others! I know why Jesus loved to spend time with the little children. They are so pure at heart, they simply accept what they see and enjoy life to the fullest. Their little spirit-persons are maturing and growing. 

God has given me and my husband the privilege of being in our Great-grandson's life on a daily basis. The Father instructed me to be an example, to teach and train him up the way he should go. That consists of so many vital components. Sometimes it seems overwhelming. I have raised my children and helped to raise grandchildren, and now the opportunity is here to input truth into this precious child's life. I do not take that charge lightly.

A few days back I had been in prayer most of the morning and continued on when our little one was preparing for his day. My praying and singing out loud did not seem to bother him or distract him. I was just taken away in my spirit to keep praising our God. 

This little guy and I have a routine at bedtime, he gets a story and a song and while I am doing that I am gently stroking his face or his arm. It seems to relax him. That day while I was caught up in praying and singing I was getting him dressed. He happened to kneel in front of me at the bedside and gazed into my face as I was praying. I began to caress his face softly while still praying out loud. He looked up at me with the sweetest angelic face and quietly said, "GG what are you doing"? I said I am praying for you. "Oh" was his response. He just kept kneeling there soaking it all in. The Presence of God was all around us. I was stirred in my spirit. He looked up at me and put his hands on my face gently stroking me and praying under his breath. He finally put his head down on my chest and began to hum along with me and soon I heard him quietly praying out loud. 

Now you must realize this child is 4 years old! He never sits still for more than 2 minutes! Our experience lasted more than 5 minutes. I was totally blown away. God was ministering to both of us. This is a memory I will always cherish and I pray that he will also never forget it. In this world, he will need it. Don't ever be too busy to enjoy your Mini-Miracle Moments. They are precious. 


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