
Showing posts from 2019


Mini-Miracles Minutes come in all sizes ...  Some days are just more special than others! I know why Jesus loved to spend time with the little children. They are so pure at heart, they simply accept what they see and enjoy life to the fullest. Their little spirit-persons are maturing and growing.  God has given me and my husband the privilege of being in our Great-grandson's life on a daily basis. The Father instructed me to be an example, to teach and train him up the way he should go. That consists of so many vital components. Sometimes it seems overwhelming. I have raised my children and helped to raise grandchildren, and now the opportunity is here to input truth into this precious child's life. I do not take that charge lightly. A few days back I had been in prayer most of the morning and continued on when our little one was preparing for his day. My praying and singing out loud did not seem to bother him or distract him. I was just taken away in my spirit ...


Some days I feel so unworthy!  I look at myself today and examine my attitude and wonder why He puts up with me! Such love and acceptance can only come from Love Himself. The essence of Love. For several days I inwardly complained about situations I found myself in. These are necessary activities that I was getting weary of. Therefore, I would hold myself back from doing good. Outwardly you would have never known it, but He knew. Have you ever found yourself in that state?  Yesterday I had the opportunity to have lunch with a dear friend. She kept saying over and over again how blessed we are, how favored we are, and how God is always providing for us. Every word out of her mouth convicted me. I agreed I am blessed and favored and spoiled by a God who loves me.  Fast forward to today: The sermon at church continued to convict me. It was about going the extra mile , without complaining, but giving more of myself than what was expected. OUCH! God was at it ...

Published Books

My first book Destiny's Journey is a story of hope. A biography that reads like a novel. It will take you along in my journey from despair to peace and comfort. It shows how one life can be affected and transformed when it is turned over to a loving Father. I would love to hear your comments and input. The second book Speak, Lord, for your servant is listenin g  is a devotional that will give you simple nuggets of truth to apply to your life and your day to day living. These developed in my quiet times with the Lord as He spoke a word or a phrase to my heart and then as I questioned Him He would expand on that word. He is a loving God. To order either book you may go to or Barnes and Noble. If you would like a personally signed copy please message me on Facebook or send me an email at All for His Glory, Darlene